COVID-19: The Biggest Lie Ever Told

Anjola Koiki
13 min readDec 14, 2020

The majority of the population of the world has been played by their government and media and they do not even know it. The majority are still being played as this article is being written. The UK just recently went into another national lockdown, also lockdowns have been imposed in a number of states in the US. But yet a substantial portion of the population still do not realize they are being misled on the whole “pandemic” issue. However, some are starting to see that perhaps governments — especially those in the West — went over the top with their reaction to the virus. A virus which, according to the NIH (National Institutes of Health), has a fatality rate of 0.66%. But there are even more mind-boggling pieces of information to be uncovered, all of which I will reveal in the next couple of lines so that this Covid-19 hoax can finally be completely debunked.

It was Planned all Along

In 2015, Bill Gates gave a Ted Talk about how the world’s population is growing exponentially and how that is a serious problem for which we should all be concerned. There, he spoke about how the next biggest threat to the human population was not going to be a war, but a virus or viruses. He spoke about the need for world governments to get prepared for a possible pandemic in the foreseeable future. There is also footage of the Director of the NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases), Dr. Anthony Fauci, stating outright that there was going to be a global pandemic before the end of the current decade, he said this in 2017. In October of 2019, an event called Event 201 was held. In attendance were top directors from WHO, representatives from major news corporations, top executives from prominent technology companies, and of course Bill Gates. At the event, simulations were discussed and played out for a general response of world governments and parastatals to a novel coronavirus, which caused a global pandemic. After all this, fast forward a few months later and the world was stricken with the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, if you check the Rockefeller Foundation’s publication Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development, under the Lockstep section, you will see there the prediction of a pandemic which would bring about changes in society. How could Bill Gates, who is currently the second-biggest funder of WHO and who also happens to have massive investments in vaccine production — through his foundation the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which is hardly a foundation, but in the background is actually a vehicle for lucrative business investments for further expansion of his wealth –, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has large stakes in Gates’ Vaccine company GAVI, have made such predictions about a pandemic occurring, with one actually occurring not too long after their predictions were made? Why was there a simulation for a general response of governments globally and major corporations to a novel coronavirus pandemic, with one happening only months later? And how was Lockstep, in the Rockefeller Foundation’s publication: Scenarios for the Future of Technological and International Development, equally able to make such close predictions about a global pandemic bringing about tighter top-down control of world governments, especially those in the West. These are all just coincidences, right? Yeah, maybe. Or I could give you another explanation, maybe the COVID-19 pandemic was planned all along as an excuse to introduce intended changes into human society. These changes being: tighter top-down rule & control by world governments (introduction of fascism, especially in the West), bringing about the end of small privately owned businesses, and in the long run, reduction of the population with the administration of vaccines which will insidiously sterilize those who receive it. The NIH has already put up a publication on the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in which they stated that they do not know the effect the vaccine will have on fertility. If you are finding the depopulation agenda especially hard to believe, together with the other hidden agendas, well I already wrote about Bill Gates having expressed his concerns about the rapidly increasing world population. And one thing that is vital to understand is Bill Gates’ role and involvement in this COVID-19 hoax cannot be underestimated. You may be thinking to yourself: “why would anyone seriously want to depopulate the planet or do any of the other things outlined above?”. This same thought crossed my mind as well when I was learning about the COVID-19 hoax. But the problem is you are viewing the subject matter from your own personal perception, which stems from the day-to-day life you live and experience. In the world, we all currently live in and experience, one would hardly ever cross paths with a eugenicist, but that does not mean they never existed or do not currently exist. Why would Adolf Hitler want to exterminate the Jews, why do religious fundamentalists, such as ISIS and Boko Haram, slaughter simply based on opposing beliefs, why do school shooters do what they do? They do so because they are psychopaths who are unable to feel empathy. Psychopaths have a disregard — sometimes even a disdain — for the moral values majority of the population advocate. And it is possible for psychopaths, with the current systems in place, to get into positions and offices of power. We have them in government offices and executive positions of organisations more so than we think. Bill Gates has even openly admitted that he used to harbour eugenic ideologies in the past. How do we know he has not recently picked up on his old habits?

COVID-19 was Never Proven to Exist

Yes ladies and gentlemen, COVID-19, even till this very day, has not been proven to exist. It has never successfully undergone what is known, in the medical field, as Koch’s Postulates. Koch’s Postulates are the criteria designed to prove that a said virus is the causative agent for a disease or sickness. These postulates were formulated by Robert Koch, after whom they were named, in the year 1884. The Postulates were laid out as follows: (1). The microorganism must be found in diseased but not healthy individuals; (2) The microorganism must be cultured from the diseased individual; (3) Inoculation of a healthy individual with the cultured microorganism must recapitulate the disease; and finally (4) The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased individual and matched to the original microorganism.

Claims of isolation and purification of the virus in scientific journals are actually based on fictitious and manipulatory scientific practices and procedures that do not follow Koch’s Postulates. These scientists, who claim to have “isolated the virus”, falsified evidence of the virus in two ways. The first was their presentation of an electron micrograph of an RNA material, collected in the RT-PCR test, as being the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19). And this was the basis upon which their claim of isolation and purification was made. However, the RNA material that was captured in the RT-PCR was not a virus at all, they are what are known as exosomes. Now, what are exosomes? Well, they are genetic materials which our bodies produce more amounts of when they have been exposed to excess levels of toxicity. Toxicity being toxic substances such as junk or shite food, electro-magnetic radiation, stress, and fear. Exosomes are used to fight off the negative effects of these toxic substances when they are excessive in the body, it is this process we tend to refer to as sickness. However, the said scientists who claim to have “isolated the virus” for some reason decided to label exosomes as the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The second way they falsified proof of the virus was: they would take dead cells from an animal of a particular kind, for instance, a pig, they would then place the dead animal cells on a petri dish. But how they then manipulated this “objective science procedure” was by applying antibiotics onto the dead animal cells so that it would begin to decay. They would then inject this decaying animal cell into another animal of a similar breed. This animal would then fall sick and they would use that as “evidence” of a “pathogen” being the causative agent of a disease, with the disease, in this case, being COVID-19. The animal did not fall sick because you injected it with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, it fell sick because you injected it with decaying animal cells. What did you think was going to happen?

The Test is not Testing for a Virus

The RT-PCR test does not even test for a virus, not least COVID-19. Now, one thing that is worthy of note is…the inventor of the RT-PCR test — Kary Mullis, a Nobel Laureate in Chemistry — said the test was not designed to diagnose infectious diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis, and coronaviruses. But what we are currently witnessing is that world governments and global health institutions have ignored Kary Mullis’ counsel and are using his test to diagnose COVID-19 anyway. Now, there are just too many celebrities and public figures that have that have revealed to have tested positive for the virus but claim not to have shown any signs or symptoms of illness. We have had: Tom Hanks Cristiano Ronaldo, Donald Trump, Ellen DeGeneres, Seyi Makinde, Nasir El-Rufai, and many more. Cristiano Ronaldo even publicly expressed his frustration with the erratic and unreliable nature of the test. After he got a first test result which was positive, then another which was negative, then a positive test result again. Dr. Anthony Fauci even came out and said; if the sensitivity of the RT-PCR test was increased beyond 35 cycles that virtually everyone would get a positive test result. Now, what kind of a global pandemic has multitudes of people catching the supposed infectious disease without them showing any signs of illness? Oh I know, a hoax of a pandemic. And this is can all be traced back to what I wrote earlier about the RT-PCR test not being designed to diagnose infectious disease, instead, it was designed to test for RNA materials called exosomes, which can be found in virtually every person on the planet.

Deaths Were Re-designated

There is a video on my website — whose link has been placed at the end of this article — of Dr. Annie Bukacek and Dr. Scott Jensen confessing to witnessing the re-labelling of the causes of deaths of patients from their actual causes to COVID-19 in their post-mortem reports. They also claimed medical personnel and institutions were compensated for having done so by their government. Now, if we were actually witnessing a deadly pandemic, why would governments have to persuade and compensate medical personnel and institutions to re-designate or re-label deaths as having been caused by COVID-19? It’s because there were no deaths from any new deadly virus and in order to create the illusion that there was; bribery of medical personnel and health institutions was the best option for governments across the globe.

No Spike in Annual Death Rate

In an article on, there is a video in which Dr. Genevieve Briand, Applied Economics Assistant Program Director at John Hopkins University, gave a presentation and illustrated, using statistical data, that there hasn’t been any significant increase in the annual death rate in the US for this year. She in fact posited and illustrated that the death rate for this year was virtually the same as in recent years. How could this be in a year when the US was claimed to be one of the countries most stricken with the so-called global COVID-19 “pandemic”? She then went on to say that another abnormality she noticed when examining the statistical figures for annual death was: the number of deaths from diseases which used to be the most predominant causes of death in the US, such as heart disease, cancer, pneumonia, and so on, reduced drastically in 2020. I guess it must have been some kind of miracle. Or — remember what I said in the previous paragraph about deaths being re-designated? — maybe the number of deaths from those diseases plummeted because deaths that resulted from them were re-labelled as COVID-19.

Lockdowns and Social Distancing do not Work

There is no scientific study which proves that social distancing and lockdowns work in helping to curb the spread of a virus. Therefore, these social distancing policies and lockdowns which have been arbitrarily imposed by government officials have no basis and are unjustified. They have simply been used by governments to acquire more fascistic control. Remember Lockstep in the Rockefeller Foundation’s publication Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development? For proof that lockdowns and social distancing don’t work, just look at Sweden, they didn’t have any lockdown and their cases of the virus are much lower than countries that chose to lockdown. Also, Africa is reported to have lower cases of the virus, well hardly any African country has had another lockdown since the first one and the majority seem to be doing well at keeping the cases down.

Face Masks are ineffective

Doctors such as Dr. Rashid Buttar, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Vernon Coleman have openly said that face masks are ineffective in preventing the spread of any virus, not least COVID-19. Their reason being; the viral particles of any virus are tinier than the pores of face masks, thus they would easily pervade the face masks. Other than that, the same doctors, who I earlier referred to, have said face masks could prove to be detrimental to personal health in the long run, as they get in the way of our ability to breathe in oxygen and fresh air. They also went further to say things along the line of; as we wear face masks for prolonged periods, we would be breathing in much of our own Carbon dioxide (Co2), as well as fibres and particles from the face mask, and all of these are harmful to our health. There have already been catastrophes which have occurred as a result of wearing of face masks such as a woman crashing her car and dying due to difficulty breathing from her wearing a face mask while in her car, and two young boys in China, who collapsed and died as a result of them wearing face masks while running.

Mainstream Media and Pharmaceutical Companies are Complicit

In the year, 1967, word got out that the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) was secretly placing its agents in the newsrooms of multiple media corporations across the United States. This CIA operation was labelled Operation Mockingbird. There are rumours that this operation is still ongoing to this very day. I know you may be asking why would the CIA be interested in secretly infiltrating media outlets? To answer that I will share this quote from Malcolm X, “The media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent. They control the minds of the masses”.

Over recent months, the perception of vast numbers of the population of the world has been influenced with relative ease and this has by default also brought about change in the behaviour of the majority of the human population. All of this has been aided by major media corporations in the West, who dictate the official narrative for the fundamental segments of global news, which other media corporations around the world then go on to follow. With most of them doing so rather unquestioningly.

To paint the bigger picture, one of the biggest benefactors to major media corporations in the West is the pharmaceutical cartel. Why is this? Well, most of the drugs and vaccines produced and administered by pharmaceutical companies are not as safe as the public has been made to believe. The mainstream media help to paint a positive image and perception of pharmaceutical companies and their products as best as they can. And the pharmaceutical companies compensate them handsomely in return.

Now before going on, one needs to realize that all vaccines come with a certain level of risk, with some being more harmful than others. There have been numerous incidents where parents have taken legal action against pharmaceutical companies, and won, for vaccine-induced injuries and permanent disabilities inflicted on their children. But you hardly hear of such cases on the mainstream media…hmmm, I wonder why. The excuse advocates for vaccines use in their arguments for it; is that it helped to eradicate polio. But there have been studies to show that the eradication or reduction in cases of polio may have been down to the ban of the toxic substance known as DDT. In the periods leading up to 1972, the year DDT was banned in the US, the US was infested with polio cases. But after DDT was banned in that year, emerging polio cases became virtually non-existent.

With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, the pharmaceutical cartel stands to make a substantial financial gain, by way of vaccinations which they will be administering at a premium. Meaning the mainstream media could benefit as well if they simply continued to aid the pharmaceutical companies by suppressing alarming information on the threats vaccines pose. And even recommend and purport vaccines to be essential for good health and safety from COVID-19.

Coronaviruses have been around for longer than we can remember, with there being different strains of them. But there has never been a safe and effective vaccine for anyone of them. What makes us think this particular COVID-19 vaccine would be any different?

Experienced practitioners in the medical field say it takes around 10 years to develop a relatively safe and effective vaccine, the COVID-19 vaccine has been developed within approximately 10 months without any animal trials. And the pharmaceutical companies have been indemnified from facing liability for any harm their vaccines may cause. Am I the only one who thinks something horribly wrong could come of this?

Of course, most of the mainstream media overlook these concerns as if they were out of place, rather they focus their attention and effort on fear-mongering the masses as best as they can on the COVID-19 virus, which has a fatality rate of 0.66%, according to the NIH.

If the majority of journalists and media outlets were actually objective, investigative, and independent, they would have already shared all of the information I just shared on Covid-19. But the fact that they haven’t till this moment just proves how complicit and unreliable they really are.

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